My Treasure…My Pleasure

Authentic Kerala Cuisine & much more…

Bittergourd Curry with Yogurt

Posted by Annita on November 11, 2006

Here goes another recipe from dear Shaheen of Malabar Spices.This is a perfect and guaranteed recipe to go with rice,just try and see by yourself.Thanks a ton,Shaheen..I am deeply in love with this dish now.

Paavakka Curry


Bitter gourd sliced thin – 2
Green chillies slit – 5
Tomato sliced into quarters – 1
Onion sliced – 1

Red Chilly powder – 3/4 tsp
Turmeric – 1/4 tsp
Coriander Powder – 1 tsp
Coconut milk – 1 cup
Yogurt – 1 cup + 1 tbsp
Salt – to taste
Oil – as needed

Mustard seeds – 1/2 tsp
Cumin seeds – 1/2 tsp
Curry leaves – 1 sprig


Mix a little salt and 1 tbsp curd and marinate the bittergourd pieces using this.Keep them for atleast 1/2 an hr and then squeeze and wash the bittergourd pieces.This step is done to reduce the bitternes,you can skip the step if you think you can withstand the bitterness.

Heat a little oil and shallow fry the bittergourd pieces till light brown.Add onions and green chillies into it and saute for 2-3 mintues.Onions should not turn brown.Now add chilly powder,coriander powder,turmeric powder and 1 tbsp of water.Stir them for a while and add tomato and salt.Now add coconut milk and necessary water.Let it come to a slow boil.Immediately switch off the heat and allow it to cool.Mix in beaten yogurt and keep it aside.

Heat oil in a pan,allow mustard seeds to splutter.Add curry leaves and cumin seeds into it and fry for a while.Pour this seasoning over the curry and serve with rice.

Paavakka Curry served with rice

17 Responses to “Bittergourd Curry with Yogurt”

  1. Asha said

    Looks wonderful, Annita.Shaheen is a great cook. I don’t get bitter gourd here.Enjoy!!

    Thanks Asha,You can use frozen bitter gourd..


    • Annita Shaheen
      This is a wonderful recipe for biter gourd
      I am a doctor and can advice this low carb (of course minus the Yogurt) to my Dialectics patients too.

      ,…….I am about to make it now

  2. Trupti said

    That’s a very unique recipe! Thanks for sharing!

    Thanks Trupti


  3. Spandana said

    The dish looks delicious….. Thank for posting…
    BTW Iam a Newbie blogger inspired by experts like u :)

    Really happy to see new bloggers coming up..Welcome to the group,Spandana..And u’ve got a great blog out there.Keep it up..


  4. RP said

    Hmmm…that is in my must try list, but couldn’t make it yet. :( But I am glad that you made it and gave me even more inspiration. :)

    Madi pidikkathe try cheythu nokku,RP…Its soo good and easy too…


  5. Sri said

    Hi Annita,
    I am not a big fan of bittergourd but my hubby loves it,so will surprise him with this dish.
    I started my own blog and have tagged you.:)

    Your blog is too good,Sri..Welcome to the blogosphere…

  6. Beena said

    Annita, I only knew bitter gourd theeyal, thoran and mezhukkupuratti. Got to try this new recipe.

    Try it out and let me know about it,beena

  7. Nalini said

    I am not fond of bittergourd but recently the doctor said that it is very good veggie for preventing diabetes and so I was looking for a recipe to incorporate it in our diet without the bitterness. Looks like this recipe would work. Thanks Annita.’ll love it,nalini


  8. shaheen said

    oh wow.. here i am replicating almost all ur curries( ur nadan recipes are ultimate) and i feel so nice when u make one of mine..

    Thanks for these kind words Shaheen,I feel so happy when it comes from a great cook like u…:)And again thanks for that lovely recipe..I love this dish


  9. Mythreyee said

    thanks for sharing the recipe. I haven’t tried bitter gourd with yogurt.

    Try it out sometime,Mythreyee

  10. Suma said

    This recipe is great……brings out the best of bitter-gourd. I liked this curry very much. thanks for sharing.

  11. jisha said

    hi annita ..this became a freat hit in my husband loves too eventhough i hate bitterguard..thanks

    happy to know this Jisha…

  12. Nita said

    i tried this one out for lunch n it wuz a good change..thanks!

  13. ligi said

    iam now enjoying cooking,with ur recipes!!!

    Thank u very much ligi..

  14. Tull said

    I tried out the recipe .It’s so delicious .My husband really liked it .
    Thank You

  15. Sudhir said

    Wow Karela (Bitter gourd ) can b ecooke dlike this… My wife is cooking this for me today…

  16. Prexy said

    Hi ,I tried this with frozen bitter gourd ,its really delicious………………….by Prexy

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