My Treasure…My Pleasure

Authentic Kerala Cuisine & much more…

Kerala Pics

45 Responses to “Kerala Pics”

  1. Anjali said


    Beautiful pictures! I sooo miss my Kerala. :-(


    Thank u Anjali

  2. Rafeeq achi said

    nice pictures I miss my very very tanks annita

    Thank you Rafeeq

  3. radhika kamat said

    hi Annita,

    Beautiful pictures…
    seeing those I recollected my kerala visit.

    Thank you Radhika…

  4. Shameel said

    Nice picture of “Gods own Country” I love all this………..

    Thank u Shameel

  5. Bindu said

    breathtaking pictures…brings back so many fond memories…Kerala is indeed God’s own country:-) Thanks for sharing them with us. Maanga,chakka,adakka,vettila, the rivers, the boats…..ohhhhh loved them all.

    All these pictures are from my ancestoral home town,Cherthala.- a very small town in Alleppy Dist
    happy to know that u liked it,Bindu

  6. Sunil said

    Best ones – Reminds me of those days.

    Thank you,Sunil

  7. Sumitha said

    Woooow nice pictures..loved them…made me remember my village..all the fruits…I wanna eat them :)

  8. Sunil said

    keep it up

  9. Annabelle said

    I’ve been to Cherthala,a decade or so ago.Its a beautiful place and I loved it!!We stayed at the guest house of the UB group there.Lovely pictures!

  10. Dr.GEETHA said

    I LOVE KERALS!! simply because of its scenic beauty and the nature there.
    Unfortunatley not visited kerala once also! letz hope i will in future.

  11. Jubi said

    Wow nice Pictures!!!! Miss Kerala so much…..

    Thank you…

  12. nidhi said

    Your love for Kerala is so evident in your entire blog! Great Anita. Nice to know that even after living abroad for so many years, you still have so much love for your native place. Its very rare to come across people who have this attitude.

  13. babi said

    hei thanks yar ..i was doing the same things sitting & watching tv ..thank you for ur inspiration ..nice pics ..i want receipe of “fish pollichathu”….

  14. Raj said

    Very Good Pictures. We all miss these things and our memory goes to childhood.


  15. Rahul said

    Hi. those pictures just made my eyes wet. I miss my kerala very badly. There is no place like kerala in the entire world. its so beautiful. and still wonder why people like me travel to the west. I cant wait to see all those greenery. I miss the cling of cycle bells, the sound of cows, crows and the rustle and hustle in a wedding house. Every thing was just so perfect back there. Why did i come here??
    If you got more pics like this pls mail me.

    I dont have any more pics with me Rahul,If oi get some i’ll surely post in the blog,ok…
    Happy to hear that u liked it…

  16. Rahul said

    thanks a lot for putting these pics online.
    you really made my day

  17. Siji Rehana said

    Hi Annita,
    Was going through your bolg…..liked most of the content. Keep up the good work.
    Which part of kerala are you from? So the recipe of oratti, which is very common in our household too ( my family is from Tivandrum) i think its a south kerala brekfast. Correct me if i am wrong!

    I think its prepared all throughoiut Kerala..My mom’s place is at Kanjirappally and they prepare it often too…
    I’m from Ernakulam…Thankyou for visiting my blog..

  18. Shrija Nair said

    Hi Annita,

    I am new visitor at your blog…i liked it a lot…good work..
    actually i was searching the internet for some traditional Kerala recipe..that’s how i came across your website….
    Iam from Kerala,but never been there for more than a month or two…i grew up in Bombay….
    which part of kerala are u from?..Am from Thiruvalla and Alapuzha side….
    I saw your pictures nad handicrafts too they all are so beautiful…

    keep up with the good work and do keep on posting recipes…

  19. Mrudula said

    im from chertala tooo:-)

  20. Pradeep said

    Great pictures, it really made my day.

    Thank you and post more pictures and receipes

  21. swapna praveen said

    i love ur pictures.
    i love ur photography skills.

  22. Pradeep said

    I am new visitor at your blog…i liked it a lot…good work..Nice Photos! i am remebering my days in God’s Own Country. i wish you and your a very happy and porsperous Vishu.

  23. Jacqueline said

    Hi Annita,
    I was going thru the web to find out a fruit named ‘love-loves’ which I ate in Quilon back in the ’70s. I would love to get a picture of that fruit to show my friend. I am from Cochin. I loved seeing your pics. They are great & brought back lovely memories. Keep posting more pics whenever u get more.

  24. Anju said

    “Its awesome :U made me realize dat”Our country is d best”….It’s a gr8 tribute 2 marunadan malayalees like us,,who is aWAY 4M KERALA,,BT CNNOT REPLACE KERALA 4M OUR HEART…GR8 JOB,,HEADS OFF….

  25. Junita said

    Hello Annita,

    I am a Keralite n my husband is English. We live here in England n recently i came across your blog n its just wonderful. I have tried the malabar chicken curry n pathiri recently n my hubby n family loved it. I am so enjoying looking thru your recipes. Reminds me very much of my mother’s cooking. We are basically from cannanore :). Thank you once again for the lovely recipes on your site! Cheers!

  26. Junita said

    Hello Again,

    Wonder if you have the recipe for Piddi and meen curry. I know its made of wheat flour n coconut as main ingredient. My mother used to make it, but i do not have the proper recipe. Thought you might know?

  27. HI,

    How r you ? I think you are doing well . I am a regular reader of your recipes . Why now a days you are not updating your recipes. Please like me there are so many fans for you, waiting for your recipes. Please we request you to update your reciped .

    Thanks & Regards

  28. Krishnaveny said


    I am new visitor at your blog…i liked it a lot…good work..Nice Photos! i am remebering my days in God’s Own Country. Good Work brings back to think about the olden days in the childwood

  29. phuket said

    so nice.Its remembering me Kerala.
    Jo from Phuket

  30. Geethabala said

    My Kerala Is beautifull Very Nise Pictures

  31. Biber Hapının Yan Etkileri:
    Biber Hapının bilinen herhangi bir yan etkisi bulunmamaktadır. Pepper Time kapsülleri tamamen bitki kökenli olup eğer yan etki denilecekse ağız kuruluğu ve hafif baş dönmesine sebep olabilir.

    Biber Hapını Kimler Kullanamaz?
    Hamile ve emziren bayanlar kesinlikle Biber Hapını kullanamaz. Karaciğer, kalp ve böbrek yetmezliği olanlar, kalp ameliyatı olanlar, Biber Kapsülünü doktorlarına danışmadan kesinlikle kullanmamalıdır. Biber Zayıflama Hapı kullanmadan önce eğer kullanmakta olduğunuz depresyon ilaçları varsa muhakkak doktorunuza veya eczacınıza danışınız. Kırmızı Biber Hapı yüksek tansiyonlu kişiler kullanmak isterse mutlaka doktorundan bilgi almalıdır. Ülser veya gastrit şikayeti olanlar, reflü olanlar, midesinde yanma olanlar, Acı Biber Hapı kullanamaz. Zayıflama Hapını alkol ile birlikte kullanmamaya özen gösteriniz.

  32. Biber Hapının Yan Etkileri:
    Biber Hapının bilinen herhangi bir yan etkisi bulunmamaktadır. Pepper Time kapsülleri tamamen bitki kökenli olup eğer yan etki denilecekse ağız kuruluğu ve hafif baş dönmesine sebep olabilir.

    Biber Hapını Kimler Kullanamaz?
    Hamile ve emziren bayanlar kesinlikle Biber Hapını kullanamaz. Karaciğer, kalp ve böbrek yetmezliği olanlar, kalp ameliyatı olanlar, Biber Kapsülünü doktorlarına danışmadan kesinlikle kullanmamalıdır. Biber Zayıflama Hapı kullanmadan önce eğer kullanmakta olduğunuz depresyon ilaçları varsa muhakkak doktorunuza veya eczacınıza danışınız. Kırmızı Biber Hapı yüksek tansiyonlu kişiler kullanmak isterse mutlaka doktorundan bilgi almalıdır. Ülser veya gastrit şikayeti olanlar, reflü olanlar, midesinde yanma olanlar, Acı Biber Hapı kullanamaz. Zayıflama Hapını alkol ile birlikte kullanmamaya özen gösteriniz.

  33. amyx said

    I am new to your site..
    Just today..was cheking for any recipe for “meen peera”..
    now writing this after making it !
    was goin’ thru ur site..
    It wont be fair if I dont leave a comment…

  34. pretheesh said

    Really Nostalgic..Keep the good work.

  35. ABHILASH NAIR said

    Very Good Pictures. i miss my kerala

  36. […] Kerala Pics В« My Treasure…My Pleasure breathtaking pictures…brings back so many fond memories…Kerala is indeed God's own country:-) Thanks for sharing … […]

  37. Dear Anitha , Thanks For Sharing this Pictures , I Missed My Kerala . Satheesh Padmanabhan . Phoenix , USA .

  38. Good pics thanks

  39. atina said

    Lovely pictures of my’ God’s own country’ They r the normal sights u see when u pass thro’ Kerala. Thank u for capturing those beautiful sights for others to see . Also we r looking forward to more recipes from u since they always come out well. Thank u for the recipes

  40. Nostalgic.. Took me back to the memories of kerals

  41. nice blog of Kerala with beautiful pics…congrats..

  42. Excellent photos, no words to say thank you for posting

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